Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Everyting That Could Reduce Smurfing [ Serious Discussion Only]

Part1 = Selfish Reason Why I Smurf a bit, and also why i think people smurf and illusionary percentages of smurf categories

Part2= Ideas, feel free to add your own to chat, most of ideas are simple and if implemented in mass, would have significant effects, even reducing broken games by 25-30% is massive considering how many low quality games there are.

Part3= Comments section write everything that comes to your mind, even if it makes no sense, best solutions come through brain randomly processing unrelated things,i would love to read everything that is solution oriented


There are few factors that force me to smurf;

1- There are no ranked roles above 7.5k, i have incredibly inconsistent performance accross roles, where it matters at that rank due to hero pool of players

2- My friends wants to play, they give their second accounts even, but they dont want to play unranked. Specifically if stack is not 5, which is kinda reasonable, as people want highest quality game,(Oh and free mmr from a smurf! )

3- Specifically if playing a new complex hero ( my hero pool consists of riki and pangolier in offlane) i get automatic 3-4 reports and lose behaviour score, even if i keep 50% winrate through decision making, me spearing the air as mars makes people report me instantly, or going 053 in first 10 minutes of the game, Dota is already an overwhelming game, specifically in first few games of a hero it is impossible to not completely ruin the game at that rank .It is terrible when i play something hard to play, One guy was calling me by my score whole game while updating it as i progress, Mr 053, 153, 164 , it sounds fun that is why i wanted to share it, even though it was not fun when it happened

I have around 2-3% of my games as smurf , but to categorize smurfs through illusionary data in my head i would say;


1- 40% are booster acc sellers on new accounts, they purchase low mmr calibrated account for `10-20 Dollars, boost to 5-6k and sell for 50-200 dollars ( 8.5k account goes for 1000)

2- 30% are psychopaths that would love to go to a kindergarden as an adult and compete with 6 years old kids and somehow would be satistified with it, while flaming the kids.

3- 20% are people on their second accounts, no one complain about them, i would predict they are the ones flame people for being bad, while themselves play bad on their smurf .

4-10% have simply normal dota2 horribly unenjoyable due to problems mostly with dota2 with various reasons, Lack of ability to be anonymous, lack of rankes roles or humane matchmaking ( all games are dogshit quality past 7.5k mmr , people there who dont lose mind are extremely mentally strong people even gorgc, imagine a maniac who play the worst matchmaking all day while reading twitch chat, EVERY SINGLE DAY of his life) Peopel hold grudges, for example i am turkish and there was a turkish doctor who is actually also past 7.5k that was sending me death threats. He was griefing me , not rolling for offlane ETC, i have grudge againist him, put him on my team and i will just also 2nd pic kofflane // insta pick. In fact imagine a horrible pool whre you got 1500 people in europe where all players roughly have an idea of who everyone else is. It is just so terrible. You got bad matchmaking, no anonymity causing all sort of problems, Game is hard and going out of comfort zone to learn is impossible, unranked queue time is always minimum 10 minutes, after which i think game dumps conditions rapidly and so on;

PART2 Solutions

1- Rapid Temporary Ranked Bans and Daily-Weekly Game limitations for High probability SMURFS and Account Buyers

Eloboration; Statistically Speaking, you may need to observe someone for 50 games to be 99.9%+ confidert about fact that they are smurfing, however with data of person's settings changes, performance data , clicks per min data, sudden change in activity hours-amount of games and god knows what other easy to process data valve have, only 15 games may be enough for 95% prediction if someone is smurfing or not, Valve as far as i know does not make use of aggresive punishments, We all know why and it is completely a legit concern they have, but through reduction of impact of unstable players on Dota2's enviroment, instead of having 5000 games griefed, we can have only 1500 games griefed, which is a massive difference, valve needs to relook into their punishment system, By the time valve bans the player, it is taking too long and damage already being done. If reacted earlier This banned player just wont be able to play ranked 10 games a day, have game limitations or limitations, simply being restricted a bit.

WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT; When a booster is destroying game with 95% accuarcy, remember guys if he makes it to selling the account, for each game he have ruined, another guy will ruin another game, eliminating them is like double impact. Through applying softer punishments/restrictions with 90-95% accuarcy, Valve can respond 2-3 times as fast.

2- Following very short changes to unranked; Rapid Queue ; Teams are balanced equally based on hidden mmr, no balancing or minor balancing on MMR Gap,,Role queue is added since previous change should greatly increase amount of games meaning you can play with vastly lower mmr players or highest mmr ones as long as teams are approximately equal as side note; It might be good to keep it simple and set mmr gap based on simply if there are new players or not. it would work like something similiar to a system which priortizes the queue around rare players(0 mmr or 6k+) being given top priorty,

Why suggest this? 4k, top 15% percentile psychopath ancient 3 player will get to enjoy even if he loses game, by performing good compared to average dota2 player and being satistified with how good he is , atleast feel better than normal , High mmr guy wont go to his smurf account to play 5 games of lycan because he did not play lycan for 3 years, they will go to rapid queue where they play in a casual enviroment. A totally optional casual queue, will reduce egoistical smurfs and practice smurfs , It will surely make unranked worse for some people, But amount of unranked games is incredibly low in dota2, the queue is kinda dead, while i understand this will upset 5% of people it should greatly help to other 95% And also it may not even upset them, i calibrated at 1.8k, before grinding to 8k, i would always prefer to play in an enviroment where there are more skilled players . Imagine being 4k and getting to play a game that has average 2k or average 6k, i think having this casual queue option is actually a very beatiful thing.

3- We got one way anonymity where we dont see other people, give us two way anonymity , where other people can't see our steam profile, name etc, instead replaced with i dont know somethnig casual and fun like rylai's sister .

Thank you for not reading, or reading .


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