Categories: DiscussionFortnite

fhe feeling of fortnite

current state of Fortnite


i want to talk about the current state of Fortnite.

I have to say, the battle royale aspect of the game doesnt feel like fortnite anymore, at the beginning of fortnite br the game relied on save the world pretty much, but br completely moved away from any STW aspect. the colors, the mechanics, the models and everything. and save the world? has been the same without any updates for over a year now.

but when i go back to play save the world after time, i really got to say it really feels like the fortnite i used to love. i remember being excited everyday back then to finish the battlepass challenges and hop on squads with my school friends. i had one the best times of my life with prime fortnite. i just loved the game.

but ive come to the point, where i am tired from the battle royale. the same all the time, with content overload, battle royale gets so much content that no community member would be able to acknowledge all of it.

save the world on the other hand, no changes for 12 months. no balancing changes. no hero changes all stayed the same.

while save the world needs some content to feel fresh again, battle royale moved completely away from the fortnite aspect it uesd to have, it doesnt feel the same anymore.

the only fortnite like aspect we used to remember are the old skins, nothing stayed the same. too much changed, and the original fanbase of fortnite pretty much moved away from the game in any way.

save the world needs to get acknowledgement from epic again, since it was the original fortnite pretty much

thank you


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