Categories: DiscussionDota 2

First item Vanguard on CK is kind of OP in low Elo?

I tried this after watching Vanguard+Radiance Anti-Mage play from Skiter and won every game I tried. I play it in Offlane. I'm still having doubts that it's cuz low Elo. So if someone higher than 3k wanna try or have tried. I wanna know the results. Here is how my games goes. Normal starting items and try to get Ring of health into Vanguard as soon as possible. I usually have 1-1-3 in level 6. If I'm laning with someone without blinks or escape. I goes into orb of corruption after Vanguard and bully them. Sometimes I can even 1 Vs 2 in their tower cuz of the chaos strike. After Vanguard I feel like I can't die. One chaos strike give back like 40% of my health. 2nd items is kind of situational. Depending on the game I would go one of these items as 2nd item boots of bearing, blink, vladmir's offering. Follow up by items like Bkb and aghanim's scepter. If I wanna get greedy or I think I need to deal more damage, I goes echo saber(disassemble into Bkb later) 2nd item but I skip this if I feel like my team already deal enough damage. I always turn vanguard into crimson guard after 4th item or as 4th. The main forcs is to be the unkillable lane bully that crush enemy lane and mental. I took like 3 years break form Dota and just come back so I don't know if this was a meta and someone have already tried it. But this build is working with my rusty skills so I just wanna see someone try this. So I could know it's just low Elo thing or it's just OP.


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