I think a small detail in the upcoming character customization that would be pretty cool would be to let us wear patches with various national flags. You can even see the BEAR operators in some of the game's artwork wearing russian flag patches. I wouldn't be surprised if this was already planned to some extent

Here's the thing. Do you guys think if a system like this was implemented, should your chosen faction affect the flags you could wear? I think it would be a little weird seeing BEARs wearing USA/Canadian/Australian/British flags for example. So, should the system be limited or should you be allowed to wear any flag from any country on any PMC you want?

Or maybe that's a bad idea because even less people will want to roleplay as Russians. I dont know

iirc BEARs are strictly Russian since they were formed by the russian government, while USEC is a multinational organization that could have operators from different countries, but primarily NATO countries


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