Categories: DiscussionFortnite

Fortnite Save the World is fundamentally flawed

While at first the game seemed fun until I started playing more and i realized how really bad the game is. The quests you must do in order to progress your story take quantity over quality, as there are so many of them but 99% of them feel the exact same. Find X in an X zone with X+ power level, every quest feels repetitive and boring. Most would make the argument that the fun of the game comes with collecting the guns and heroes, and while I do agree, the fun of the game should come from the core gameplay as well. The community is mostly focused on trading and getting the best guns, which is understandable, as the story and gameplay are both extremely uninteresting. From Stonewood to Twine Peaks, you are doing the same exact missions. Ride the Lightning, Fight the Storm, Destroy the Encampments, etc etc. There is no variety, in both the missions and the enemies you fight. The enemies get old after a while, sure, the first time you encounter a Smasher is scary enough to give you a heart attack, but it loses that feeling when you're now in Twine Peaks and you've seen him 1000 times with little changes besides stat-buffs. In fact, that's all about the enemies that changes as you progress, stat-buffs. One amazing thing about the game is the Storm King boss battle, and it's a shame that there's nothing similar to that, instead we get the same boring, repetitive missions and questlines over and over again. Does anyone else agree? I'd like to hear your thoughts on this, and I'm very much open to criticism or discussion.


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