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FUN MO ALERT: Made it to Pro-Rank with Speci’s 3-month old “Triple Mammuna” Deck

Hey everybody. I wanted to share this deck that TemerianSpecimen made 3 months ago. I grinded from 3 to Pro Rank with a roughly 80% WR. This deck is some hidden genius and I will explain why. Its also AMAZING fun. It is above average difficulty to pilot but if you can perfect it- then you can get to Pro Rank with it.

Deck list:

Video (TemerianSpecimen):

Deck Guide:

From my experience the meta is extremely GREEDY right now. This deck list includes Yrden which is criminally underrated right now. Having last say with Yrden can easily cause a 30-70 point swing in the current meta, and I have been winning games against all archetypes.


Mulliganing is one of the most important aspects of this deck. Ideally in R3 we will be playing 3 Mammunas- so it is important to have a copy of as many bronzes as possible in your graveyard. Therefore we want to mulligan any bronze that we already have 2 of in hand. We also REALLY want a 1st round Selfeater.

Be cautious about bricking yourself by having (2) Selfeaters or Archespores. We REALLY want to win R1 by any means. Miruna R1 + Deathwish strategem can really cause pain.

If we lose R1 then get bled R2 we can be forced to use Mammuna which is bad for our R3 prospects.

Arachas Queen: after we consume Mammuna, we want to use next turn to Abaya it for a tremendous triple mammuma. If we pull off the combo its almost always game over. HOWEVER: beware of Heatwave!!! If you're opponent is running Non-Devotion- i always try to bait out Heatwave with my BM. If our AQ gets heatwaved then we LOSE. If I think my opponent has Heatwave in hand R3- then I will just go for a simple double Mammuna and deal with bricked Abaya.

Play Selfeater first, try to play Gan Ceann second, Mushy Truffle, and even Bloody Mistress to win the round.

We only have (3) consume options – 2 leader charges, and the Crone. Make sure you always keep 1 option open for the R3 consume we need for the AQ!

Try to use Miruna to snag Saskia or Vanadain. Since Renew Vanadain is popular right now- one method is to damage Vanadain with Weavess, steal with Miruna, then consume it to prevent it getting Muzzled. This will brick their R3 stategy.

We can usually win R1 if our Selfeaters pop off, so lots of bronze R1 is good.

if we win R1 then we really want to try to bleed out our opponents wincons. I love doing Incubus into Gan Ceann (15 points) or even Selfeater for a big opener. Make sure to check opponents graveyard to make sure this is viable.

If we have a perfect graveyard and all Combo pieces available- then I will go for a 2-0 a lot. Worst case scenario this deck has enough huge bronzes that we can win a very short R3.

R3: play Mammuna into Selfeater 1st. Then run a few bronzes or BM to see if we can bait Yeetwave. When we have 3-4 cards left I will run AQ on Mammuna and then try to use Abaya for that delicious triple mammuna. Our target will always be Gam Ceann, then Apprentice or even Incubus into Lesser Witch if i have 1 in hand.

We will easily pop off for 100+ points if we hit our combo. End the game with a cheeky Yrden and we win most of the time.

Matchup notes:


Try to use Miruna to snag Saskia or Vanadain. Since Renew Vanadain is popular right now- one method is to damage Vanadain with Weavess, steal with Miruna, then consume it to prevent it getting Muzzled. This will brick their R3 stategy.


One of the only decks that will beat us 50% of the time. We really need last say Yrden to win. We also really want to bleed out the Siege R2. I will go down 2 cards R1 if it means getting round control – and lots of times we may need to. Try to use Weavess to destroy Foltests Pride or Raffards Vengeance.


We love it when NG plays Jon Calveit R1. That means we can win R1 by any means (except sacrifing our combo) and then bleed out their besy Golds R2. By doing this we basically ensure R3 we will be seeing 4p bronzes, and it should be easy sailing.

Set up Weavess to be able to kill Damien or Skellen- cause they can cause a lot of problems.

Sometimes I will use BM R1 to bait out a target for Artaud Terranova. We do this because we can Yrden R3 to eliminate any BM gains they may make.

If you can Miruna the Hefty Helge then definitely do that.


Lots of firesworn right now. R3 Yrden always wins it for me.

Save Weavess for the R3 Cyrus Hemmelfart- thats a huge move.

R1 if we have the Strategem we can steal (2) FS bronzes to really help nerf the Hemmelfarts reach later.


Once again R3 Yrden is really our friend here. They are gonna go super greedy and thats fine with us. Not much to say, beware the triple Melusine. Won most SK matchups pretty handily.


Tough matchup against Wild Hunt. We can get dominance with (3) charge crone consume- so use that. Yrden will be huge R3.

Against Viy- obviously try to use Miruna and Weavess to incapacitate their R3 consume prospects. I also like to bleed their tutors R2. As always Yrden will win us the MU but I did drop a couple games to a huge R3 viy if I didnt draw correctly.

Happy Hunting everybody!!! Let me know if this guide was helpful and if you like the deck. Shoutouts to Speci. I didnt see this deck ONCE during my climb to Pro Rank and no one expects the triple Mammuna. So much fun.


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