Categories: DiscussionValheim

gathering vs other games

For some reason i find the gathering of resources in valhiem extremely tedious when compared to games like rust or conan exiles, while the principle is the same for the most part i think is comes down to the amount of time you have to invest in finding the resources cpmpared to the output and the inability to "level up" your gather rate, yes i know that if you break a bolder the amount of stone is the same but with better tools the amount of usable stone is more due to less waste (not 100% accurate across the board but you get the idea)

This is an issue because at the end of the day there is not realy any benefits to better tools outside of combat, most trees go down in 2-3 hits when you have a metal axe, and it drops 20-50 wood based on the tree type regardless of what teir you are using. When you factor in that its a pain to transport more than 3 stacks due to wieght it becomes very tedious to build at all, especially during larger builds.

Yes i know mods exist, not the point of this

Edit because my thoughts were aparently not clear:
I dont mind transportation (not my favorite but i like the realistic nature) it is the actual gathering that i am discussing, finding nodes, and gathering the resources. I am aware that i have to get it back to base, that applies to the other games i mentioned, and there is even a system for doing so (boats portals, carts). This does not change that actually getting resources is tedious because of finding and gathering.


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