Categories: DiscussionFortnite

General Incompetence in PWO

So I’m in the final stretch of play with others missions (~100) and over the year or so I’ve been playing them on and off I’ve seen such a sharp drop in (I don’t wanna call it skill so I’ll call it) competence.

Some lobbies I’ll have level 12-20 players actually know what they’re doing but in these last 3 Plank ones (I usually do stonewood because missions are shorter but I had a daily) I’ve had level 30-40 players just sorta be useless (compared to stonewood players).

By the time your in plankerton you should have most of the basic game mechanics down but In each of the lobbies I saw different problems with things that should be more or less explained.

I had one kid call me a cheater for using an outlander (guess phase shift is cheating?)

Had another camp my base expecting mats from it (while not placing his as MBK)

And lastly I saw a level 48 either forgetting how to play or intentionally trolling because he was constantly dying and screaming in voice chat each time

I’m beginning to lose what little faith I have left in the community.


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