Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Griefed in all my P1 games today

I usually like to P4 disables (tusk, ES, Bara and Lion) but every now and then I feel like going position 1. When I’m planning to go P1, I like to announce it right away and take a second to look at who my team is hovering over. Tried to play two Luna games. First game we had the first four picks as two supports, a mid and me on Luna. Someone last picks CK and comes bottom. Not only contests all CS but also constantly auto attacks and pushes waves back. Second game. I pick Luna after I see someone pick a hard support Treant and goes bottom. We go into our lane and Drow follows us there. I get tilted and leave lane. And every time I TP for a wave, she follows me and attacks whatever I’m attacking. Ever since I left SEA/Indian servers, I thought the whole 5 core bullshit was behind me. I farmed jungles and lanes as best as I could with Manta and Mask of Madness but only so much I can do when the first 10/15 minutes of game get wasted.

As someone who plays a lot of support roles and tries to enable their team, it just sucks when you can’t even enjoy your hard carry games


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