Categories: DiscussionGwent

Harmony – one of the reasons the deck is so strong

I think that we can all agree that Harmony is probably the strongest deck at the moment (maybe SK Warriors can compete). They have everything – thinning, a bit of control via Heatwave and Poison, tempo in R1, terrifying interaction between their leader and one of the cards and a strong finisher.

What they also have is probably the strongest scenario in the current Gwent. Normally, scenarios start slowly and work in your favor as the game progresses. But Harmony's scenario has no drawback as it doesn't start slowly. Boom-pow-wow and a 10p unit lands on the field. So no bleeding is possible, which makes the deck very bleeding-resistant. If you add to that the fact that chapter 1 of this scenario is extremely strong, you get a card that is in its own tier. Also, given that the scenario spits out 10p when it lands on the field makes it far less profitable to Heatwave it…

Hence, the prologue should be reworked to be more in line with other scenarios that have the same provision cost. For instance: "Summon from your deck a bronze Harmony unit with the lowest base power." or " Spawn Lake Guardian: Dawn Aspect on this row and set its power to the number of unique bronze Scoia'tael units with Harmony in your starting deck (current gap is 5) and infuse it with "Harmony".". Then you limit the pointslamness of the deck and make the scenario more like a "proper" scenario.


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