Headshots don’t kill – Game is garbage.

I literally just walked up on a pmc who was sniping and he didn't hear me. Was maybe 5 yards nothing in between me and him. I aimed to the back of his head. He had no helmet on. I shot 5 times. I heard the animation of him getting hit. He literally just stood up and killed me in 2 hits.

This game is either broken or cheaters are that brazen.

Game is straight garbage. Don't waste your money on it.

"BUT BUT I'VE SPENT THOUSANDS OF HOURS ON THIS GAME AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM" – Incoming Tarkov apologist. Get over it. The game has shit mechanics, numerous bugs, and has been in beta for 3 or 4 years now.

Do not buy this shit game. Seriously don't. Not until the developers commits to fixing the numerous issues and cheats present in the game. Biggest waste of money. I really wished I had listened to myself and not bought it.


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