Hidden stash appreciation post

These are such a damn good addition. Finally no more static loot spawn farming for find in raid quest items, no more hatchet running on interchange. I just load up night shoreline, pop an endurance stim and hit all the stashes. You can make millions in a few hours because they spawn so many hideout upgrade and rare valuable items.

I found rolers, nails, hoses, screws, fuel conditioners, teapots, roosters, goldchains, streamer items and all that good stuff. They spawn everything. Makes it much easier getting back up after a streak of bad luck in pvp.

And doing this is also much more fun than rushing static spawns and getting into awkward pistol fights with other loot runners when you just want to shut off your brain on some pistol loot runs.

And due to the sheer number of them around especially on shoreline, dying is unlikely. At worst someone already looted it and you move on to the next one.


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