Categories: DiscussionFortnite

Hot take, give free players vbucks like founders.

This game is dying, i have had founder since 2018 and have enjoyed getting daily vbucks. Only properly started playing stw in december and it has been a shit experience solo. I came across a few people in stonewood (who were mostly "traders") but ever since hitting plankerton i have yet to have a single teammate. No one wants to play it if you cant get vbucks, which makes it much harder to the people who actually want to play the game to enjoy it.

I just passed plankerton storm shield 4, and i have no teammates ever. How the fuck is this good in epics eyes? Its possible to play this game solo but it is not fun doing so.

I cant convince any of my friends to play the game because there is no "purpose"

Its no fun playing a game where i essentially just have to wait around for my research level points to generate or just wait and hope there is a good mission that has survivor xp so that i can progress with the main story.

If this subreddit is anything like the br subreddit this post will get downvoted to oblivion, but this game NEEDS new players, and giving a little bit of vbucks here and there is a worthwhile loss to make the game more enjoyable.

Who gives a fuck if you are a "founder" or not.


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