Categories: DiscussionGwent

How cultists made me NG player.

Well hello there,I would to tell you guys that before I hate NG decks and whole this faction,why you ask? well asaide from feel like unfair games I feel like I decide months ago to try this fraction and I hate It even more not becuse I dont know how to play It but becuse It was usseles build by KG maybe It was off-meta dunno I dont blame him but aftet this build I was like -what? this Is a ussles- and after that I hate It even more,until now.

Now when I start more this deck especial two-scenarios cultist,you propably may ask me why? no becuse OP I just love those lore like cultist/demons/dragons,after Renfri+vampires I decide I give a try cultists and man I start love the cards I never feel more safe playing this game than now with NG,why? becuse I have a lot controls tools blocks/remove,or just destroy any unit or even steal thanks to portal nor any deck before gave me that tools mostly was just siroco and thats all my control tools was before,now Im am safe and In 80% case when I lose as a NG Its my bad decision or better hand enemy.

But I must say I feel sory for others fractions :p becuse lets be honest guys you cant basically control a NG maybe some meta swarms deck but thats all as far as I play NG around 1 week there Is not to many decks that can face me and I dont say only about two-scenario build which Is broken as hell I mean generally I know why I hate before NG becuse Its most broken fraction In this game,I know meta changes and all but lets be honest and lets aagre all thats NG In 90% case stay on top If we speak about meta.

Yes cultists officaly made me one of them and I beckome a NG 😛

Ps.Dont be to hard on me for my poor english I try my best!


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