How do fdev (and others) make money?

Everybody's always complaining about the devs not putting in the work to give us new content. And I get it, I truly do. But I have to say, I don't understand the business model. ED isn't the only old game that's hosted on expensive servers and gets free content updates all the time. Borderlands 3 had like two years of free content. GTAV still has free content after like 700 years. No Man's Sky got like five complete reworks for free. How do these companies make the money back?

Like, yeah, I know they're releasing DLC. Or, with Horizons and Odyssey, you'd probably call it a game upgrade rather than a DLC. And I know they're selling cosmetics, which, LOL? Are people really buying ARX out here? I mean, I'm sure Rockstar makes money from selling Shark cards, but fdev sure as shit isn't Rockstar.

Are they just hoping we like them so much we buy their next game? Or am I missing some revenue stream?


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