How offline healing should work

Currently, we have counter intuitive system that punish extracted PMCs by saving all traumas, while does nothing to prevent container abuse.

Legit player should spend 5429-8387 roubles before he enter raid, while container abuser shouldnt spend anything because he doesnt care. And those who extract from the raid could spend even more, up to 19735 roubles(1hp+4 limbs, early wipe).

So, how should offline healing work to prevent this nonsense?

1) After every death PMC character should respawn with 1HP(head) and 4 broken limbs. Extracted PMC will stay the same.

2) Healing screen tab isnt clickable in offline – you could only use meds from inventory and they will heal you character in this sequence head->torso->thorax->hands->legs. You cant use bandage before your PMC gain full HP(in offline,ofc).

3) Price of all meds should be cut in half. Right now after death you should heal 305HP, but with new system its 434HP+4 bandages or 634HP.

For legit players system will be almost the same as it is now, only difference is that extractions will be even more profitable.


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