Categories: DiscussionDota 2

How to rank up -.-

Im so frustrated … i climbed to solo guardian after 2-3 months it was hard but when i got to guardian it was ez and i was on a winning streak all the way till guardian 3… then i played some games with herald friends and dropped again to herald 5… its just impossible for me to climb again its such a big difference in games and the reason why you climb easy in guardian…

because in heralds every support just plays like a carry they steal your farm they dont stack and then dont pull creeps … about every lane is a loose or very inefficient while in guardian i won almost every lane…

what can i do? -.- i think one of my biggest problems (beside the worst supports ever) is that i dont know how to recover any guardians wanna boost me xD? i will even try to support you but i play mainly offlane


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