Categories: DiscussionDota 2

I don’t get it.

Dota as a game doesn't click for me. I played Frozen Throne back when it was relevant but nothing in this game really feels like that game (that it's apparently based on) other than the existence of spells and the cramped camera angle.

This isn't me demanding other players should cater to or be nice to me (it's a team game and I'm clearly losing the match for them since I'm new) but there's a lot of elements I don't see any obvious solution to:

  • Team fights are huge particle-fests that I can't parse no matter how hard I try, let alone make any meaningful decisions during. If I try to do some sequence of spells/items like that I'm probably stunned, silenced and at 10% health and I never figure out how or why.
  • If I'm trying to afford items I should actually be with the team. If I'm making my way over to the team the fight has already ended & I'm the last one alive. If I'm hovering around to defend something or fight then nobody shows up, then I get yelled at for not doing anything. If I ignore all that I'm not a team player or "griefing."
  • A lot of games feel decided in the first ten minutes. Either someone on my team has 16 kills and 0 deaths or somebody else does. The only impact I ever seem to have is playing as some passive hero who can cast a spell, exist and someone else on my team capitalizes on it.
  • Most guides feel like "draw the rest of the fucking owl" in video form.


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