Categories: DiscussionFortnite

I dont know if its just my feed but there is more and more complaints about the game including from my self recently.

Is STW on its final legs? The other players and my self of this sub have noticed that each passing ventures we get more bugs then fixes. We are left to hate the company that helped produce this game with People Can Fly. This game in 2020 was left in a good state, a large community and not as depressed one.

Nearly two years later this game is filled with bugs and people hating on epic calling this the next paragon. I think epic has done some shitty things with STW. But we still have some hope, Maybe we can get the STW community to finish the story for the game just to bring this community back together for a short period of time. I give the game to ventures spring till this game is gone due to bugs if epic does not fix them by then.

I have no more optimism for an actual update other then seasonal changes or major bug fixes. Epic only seems to care about updates that let people into play the game where you have to go through their money maker BR. I do enjoy BR but STW is better by far. It has more opportunity to thrive as a player comparted to BR, more weapons, more abilities and it has a solid community that still has a tiny bit of hope epic will one day make a major update.

But at this point I think we have a higher chance of the second coming of Christ then a second coming of save the world updates. Sad we have to admit that, while epic could have obviously downscaled its development team to focus on BR, they could have made separate dev teams for STW, one for bug patches and one to release updates every now and then.

Thank you for reading this.


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