Categories: DiscussionFortnite

I honestly believe Epic added AI to STW a while back without saying anything about it

So for a while now I've been noticing "people" in my STW lobbies (Na-East/Na-West) moving like bots, building, shooting, etc. I haven't really recorded it yet, but there will be instances where "the player" will move at a walk pace then turn 180° walk to a tree wait a few seconds pickaxe it… look at me stand still, turn 90° and walk. These "people" will not have a mic icon next to their name, nor will they type in chat and get this you can't friend them. The funniest thing is they place traps oddly, for an example this one "guy" in our lobby was placing broadsides on the roof, but he was placing them 1 every 3 seconds. After he was done he turned 90° shot at a husk with a lmg however he shot at the husk in single fire and built 4 walls and a ramp in front of him. Me and my friend were like "he's a fucking robot there's no way"

Do you guys ever come across these ummm, let's just call them robots?


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