I will start by saying that I am by no means the best player, but the one season I was trying I got from rank 15 I believe to top 200ish until job schedule got too busy to play and I dropped to thousands from not playing.
Ideally you would be bellow rank 15 (the lower the better), never have made pro rank and have time to play 100 – 200 games over the next season depending on what rank you are right now.
I work a full time job at GMT+2 so I would be generally available from 7pm – 10pm GMT+2 during workdays and as for weekends I would be available at any time 8am-10pm GMT+2 as long as we arrange it beforehand and I can plan my day around that.
I want to stream it/upload on youtube so you would have to be comfortable with that.
Also I want to be very open with why I want to do this, so here are the reasons,
Given streaming/uploading I obviously want to grow a following and in ideally switch from construction to content creation.
I believe that being able to teach really well is the best skill to have for betterment of society, while the best way to learn is by doing and I want to learn to be a better at teaching.
I am not a native English speaker.
I believe that I am capable to discuss anything in writing at very high level, but I lack the experience in speaking to be at the level I want to be at.
I believe that almost every person can excel at most anything they are willing to pour their time into, and I want to affirm that to myself and hopefully inspire others to be great at whatever they decide to pursue.
If you are interested, dm me here or add me on discord at Tradovid#1377
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