Categories: DiscussionValheim

I want to whine about wolf taming

I see so many youtube videos about taming wolves and how easy it is

this guy even managed to tame a 2 star with honey, carrots and troll armor:

my experiences has been disheartening.

my first pack of wolves were alright simple, got them to breed a few times, but made the mistake of not sealing off the campfire and pretty sure most if not all of them burned themselves there.

second and third pairs got sniped by wyverns in their taming holes mid taming

then I tried to get a 2 star to distract myself from all those disasters,
haven't seen a single one yet but met a few 1 stars

tried to bring those 1 stars into holes but got 2 shot everytime before they fell in, one of them just ran around the hole and never attempted to jump into the hole despite aggro'd on me and I was in there

I have the full silver armor set, ate Eyescream, Turnip stew and wolf jerky for more stamina to out run them, doesn't seem to work

on food as well doesn't help that my tiny mountain never gave me any onions neither

All the while I had a friend to go through all of this with me.

and I'm just, feeling like I should give up at this point.
if anyone have any good suggestions throw it my way because it's just been too dreadful

oh yeah and my mountain is a few oceans away from my base so even if I got myself an army of 2 star wolves I dont even know if I can bring them back to my base successfully


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