If you can’t handle being killed, and accept that sometimes you’re going to die in this game, please go play something else

The toxicity coming out of people seems to just be getting worse as this game gets bigger. The amount of hate mail I've received from teams of people over the last week, and TTV'ers who just call me sus as fuck / hacker, just because they got out played or were killed, is ridiculous. I can't get over the amount of people that can't accept getting killed sometimes.

Example 1: A TTV'er with his team, (full team of 5 when I went back and watched the VOD), got mad and called me an immediate hacker after his death and reported me, and told the rest of his team to leave immediately. Never mind that before this, this man was full sprinting through IDEA, completely carelessly, then jumped up onto a box, right Infront of me. One of the easiest kills of my life. But no, the only reason he could've died was not his stupid play, it was that I was hacking.

Example 2: Fighting in Dorms. Man kills my friend on first floor of third story, so I know they're by metal stairs on first. I jump out main stair well window and swing on this guy. His buddy happens to be nuts to buts on him. Because i'm running Igolnik I'm able to spray both of them down pretty easily with them so close together. They both add me immediately after and harass me and call me a hacker, etc.

These are just a couple of examples I have from the last couple of weeks. But you get the idea.

If any of you seriously can't handle that sometimes you're going to get out played, killed, etc. Then please go play something else. It's a game. It's pixels on a screen. To harass others over it, and spam reports on people, just because you were killed is being a trash tier person.

p.s. Just because someone doesn't buy the super expensive edition of this game, to have a golden name, doesn't automatically make them a hacker. My friend who has a white name because he's just trying it out with me has killed a few people, and every time it happens to someone who has a twitch channel, they immediately report them out of the fact that he has a white name. The community needs to get over this stereotype that only legit players have golden names, and hackers have white names. The last 3 legit blatant hackers I've run into, who full sprint 100% accuracy sprayed my Altyn with crap ammo until I died, all had EOD names. Stop this nonsense of stereotyping people with different editions of the game.


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