Categories: DiscussionDota 2

I’m fucking done (or sympathy for those who hate this patch)

Welcome to League of Dota.

A fighting game with the aestetics of a strategy game.

An endless brawl where if you are underleveled you are uselsess, and can't do shit.

Map control? Maybe in the first 10 min.

Splitpushing? In your dreams. You are useless outside of teamfights.

Supports? Low networth cores.

Strategy? Never heard of them.

Farming efficiency? Fuck you.

Better push them buttons fast and pray.

Out of all the games which simplified themselves to the point of boredom, I really did not expect Dota to become one.

Is even watching dota now extremely miserable, boring and pointless, or am I watching the current major wrong?

Am I missing something or is there anything else y'all'd like to add?

(Yes, this is a low effort shitpost to vent for us all. Sue me.)


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