Categories: DiscussionDota 2

I’m just gonna say it, can we NOT HAVE BLACK CASTING BIG MATCHES!

I like Black as an analyst, he tends to have good points, and good predictions during the drafting phase too, but then that's it! HE JUST RUINS GAMES WITH HIS CASTING!

He barely talks on points, is NOT AT ALL FUNNY, and what's worse is, HE DRAGS HIS CO-HOST INTO STUPID CONVERSATIONS too!

I really like BKop, he is talented, has the rap-god like energy during team fights and over all does a good job. But EVERY TIME that poor guy gets paired with either Black or Lacoste and him being new to the casting scene, he tends to get dragged into their bullshit commentary.

If you've seen casts by ODPixel and Lacoste, you will notice Lacoste will try to take the conversation into a COMPLETELY OFF-TOPIC ZONE and majoryly try HARD at being funny, but ODPixel being the fucking legend that he is, will just choose to ignore it and will stay quiet OR will change the topic to something relevant to the game RIGHT AWAY.

BKop seems too nice to be doing this.
And I feel like this was one of the reasons he never made it to TI this year. Him being paired with casters that drag down his ability!

PLEASE STOP PAIRING BKop with Black, AND FFS, stop letting Black cast games at ALL!
I'm watching Tundra Vs Spirit (OGA DotaPIT) and Black is making it un-fucking-bearable to keep watching it!


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