Categories: DiscussionFortnite

It’s honestly more sad that Epic dropped the story than discontinuing consistent updates.

This game was in development for around a decade and the devs really decided that they just didn't care for the story at all. The Storm King is dead woohoo. I still don't know how his cube tied in to BR back in season 5, or if the two modes are even canon to each other now that the entire lore for BR is just an advertisement for their battle passes and an excuse to have dozens of licenses in the game while keeping it canon.

But my main point is that the devs really have no soul, they ended the story that they worked on for a decade prematurely with no cares or regrets. It's like a parent who had a kid for 10 years that was average but when their second child was a prodigy, they didn't feel like taking care of their first and killed it. The simple yet unique story that was being built up means more to some of us now than it ever will to the original devs again. I'm not even saying that I thought the story was exceptional, it obviously isn't, it's just the idea of the devs throwing it away after years of work and not caring because they really do only care about money. Although I do love the chemistry between all the character interactions throughout the dozens of event questlines we have, it's all silly and humorous and they don't try to take themselves seriously. I guess it's enough to make me mad that I care about it more than the devs do.


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