Categories: DiscussionFortnite

Jail Builds now seem in the distant past… Has been a long time coming, but they are gone!

I am over 1700 days logged in and still play most of my 160s in public lobbies.

The game has gone through many changes, but the rise and fall of the jail builds is the most significant end game meta change. Not shooting, hardly trapping and doing nothing was standard practice. Missions were selected on ease of jailing rather than on rewards. Nearly everything was jailable!

This is not the case today. The continued power creep of players, the significantly greater rewards for all missions and the inclusion of earning battle pass XP has continued to attract and retain players. Progress happens at a faster pace. Making the game easier and easier has fundamentally changed the game. The new buff to the already over powered new weapon set is further support to the new run and gun mantra.

This is not a bad thing, it is just an observation. To those of us who have been grinding for years, we do not begrudge the progress of others. However, I do find the knowledge of how to use traps, being retained by fewer and fewer players. Why learn, what you don’t need to?

What saddens me today, are all the simple things that have been readily overlooked and the complete deniability by Epic to engage in any player base communications.What did we do to deserve the perpetual silent treatment? It would be abusive in a normal community..

Old console players suffer dreadfully with the combination of anti air, drop traps and defenders. The game is next to unplayable, yet no mention on trello. For these players, jail build made the game playable?The concept of premium is beyond a joke for anyone doing a 160 in a public lobby on an old console. Is this denial Sony driven?

The survivor missions ending early is welcomed and shows that perhaps there is a plan to improve playability. However, one has to balance this with simple things like the frostnite dailies still not working with the weekly modifiers – unfixed for 3 years..

I don’t know where we are headed, and the recent ‘content’ and ‘fixes’ offer more hope than anything else over the last 12 months. The only thing I do note, is we seem to be out of jails, whether we like it or not!


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