This post is difficult to write, because of the rules of the EFT subreddit. I am going to try my best to keep this within the rules. Mods, Please read the entirety of the post along with the context of the images, and see I am not witch hunting anybody or IDing any means to acquire illegal 3rd party programs.
I guess this post requires some backstory.
But before that, let me preface this with the statement that I am not affiliated with BSG or BattlEye, I just do this kind of stuff as a hobby.
I 'infiltrated' a discord that people go to, to get advantageous 'software', and scraped all the user data off the server. In that servers' scraped user data, I found hundreds of discord accounts that are linked to BSGs official EFT server, both Russian and English servers. So I took that user data and searched through the EFT official servers and found a couple hundred examples of people using the exact same username for both the 'Illegal' server and the BSG server. Some with TTV links as well.
In these data sets, I pulled a quick handful and forwarded them to the official BSG modmail.
Here are the chat logs from my interaction with the guy, with all details omitted.
Here are the logs from the ModMail.
I couldn't believe it. There I thought I had the guy, dead to rights, an admission worth it's weight in Physical-Bitcoins.. Nope. š
I'm not saying this is why people think the game has a illegal program issue, I am just sharing my experience. I think things should change, but I'm not sure what the answer is. Were dealing with an epidemic of people gaslighting each other on a simple fact;
Tarkov has naughty illegal program users, like every other game out there that has potential to make IRL money.
I realize with the amount of censoring I had to do to avoid a 'hackusation' type post, it is completely impossible to take this seriously. But the majority of the omitted information isn't meant for the general population of this subreddit. The correct entities have the entire logs, BattlEye and BSG, obviously.
*In no way am I trying to expose people, programs, work arounds, exploits or anything similar to the general public, I am simply just trying to help the game I like to play stay playable.*
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