Hey guys. As the title says this post is about the state of recoil. First I want to say this is not a rant after I was moved down by a guy with a fully kitted M4.

Currently I feel that the game puts too much emphasis on mag dumping. This in my opinion is due to a couple of in game "features". The worst of which is automatic gun stabilization. As you all know when you shoot the gun your character will automatically hold the weapon and mitigate or even completely negate the recoil.

My suggestions to improve gunplay are:

  1. Make player fight the recoil himself. It is weird that game like Tarkov should give you something for free. In this case make you shoot straight. It does not fit. (I believe Nikita said this feature will stay because "I don't actually play the game lol". I might be wrong on this statement so take it with a grain of salt).
  2. Change the way full auto is handled. Basically reverse it. Instead of the weapon going wild and then becoming a laser beam make it the other way around. Let the first couple of shots be more accurate (not laser pls) and after that the gun should become hard to control. This way you will reward players who use short controlled bursts or semi auto. Anyone with firearms experience will tell you that is the way of using automatic fire.
  3. So the weapon skill system is not completely useless the amount of rounds you can put down range before the gun starts fully kicking will depend on them + caliber + attachments (any maybe weight?).

For example basic AK 74 5,45×39 will start with 3 controllable rounds. Now add your weapon skill and you get 3,75 + attachments and we get 5. (Just and example I don't have any formula on how to count this.) After this amount the gun will become harder to control.

These were my two cents. Nothing concrete just stuff from the top of my head. I would really love to read you opinions on this matter. If you agree, disagree or have different suggestions please leave them here. Maybe the devs will read this and something good will come out of this.


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