Lighthouse is the land of Giga-Scavs

Hey everyone. Apologies if this topic has been brought up previously but this is my first wipe (of 4 total) playing Lighthouse.

Lighthouse is a excellent map and i’ve enjoyed my runs on it but I feel as if Scav runs need to be tweaked as they are almost broken. When you run a PMC you risk your loot and weapons etc but as a result you are more effective as you bring in better weapons and armour. On every map except lighthouse a scav is the opposite, where you have very little but risk nothing so any loot you find left over or player you eliminate takes some skill or tactic. On lighthouse as a scav you again risk nothing but are near guaranteed kit. It is incredibly easy to kill Rogues, especially those that are on the mounted weapons. This results in scavs rolling around and being near indistinguishable from PMCs. I’ve never killed so many PMCs as a scav, nor have I been killed by so many scavs as a PMC. I wouldn’t mind if a scav pulled off an impressive kill with a VPO and killed my PMC but Lighthouse is over run with sometimes whole squads of player scavs that are almost as well equipped as my PMC. I’d be interested to hear what others think should or could be done, my personal opinion is that Scavs should spawn in much later.


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