I had this idea for a while, I started giving it some more though after hearing Jesse Kazaam and Veritas discussing the topic on their podcast.
Imagine this, you get to the Lighthouse and visit the Lightkeeper. You purchase all your goodies, hundreds of thousands of roubles spent, now what? Are you gonna run across the bridge to Southern Road and risk running into an extract camper? What if instead there was a way to extract your loot, while still creating an interesting encounter.
The idea stems from another game, The Division. In this game when you want to extract loot from the Dark Zone, you pop a flare, a helicopter arrives, it lowers a cable and you tie your loot to it, everyone sees this and comes over to steal the loot/extract, you must defend it for an amount of time, the loot is safely extracted.
Now how could this work in Tarkov? We already have flare guns with multiple colors that currently have no use. What if something like a green flare would signal a loot extract and you could call it from the docks in the Lighthouse (pretty open area). It would draw the attention of everyone in the map and now it is your turn to bunker down and defend the Lighthouse while your loot is taken out.
I truly believe this would bring a whole new PvP experience that could potentially change the game. Not only that, this feature would be amazing once we go open world as a method of extracting loot mid-raid.
So, what are your thoughts? What are your concerns? How would you improve/nerf this?
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