Recently, due to sickleave, Ive had a chance to play more dotes then I usually can manage and during hours Im normally at work. One thing that have really stood out to me, is the variation of quality of the games depending on when during the day I play.
During morning time 07-13, all my games is great, close, and in general try hard.
13-17 there starts to be an increase in average toxiciy, techies pickers, or weird drafts (like invoker as pos1, or treant mid)
17-23 is THE trash time, here we have the dc's after 15s, the people wishing "death upon you and your family", afk'ing in fountain for 4.5min, the average leaver enjoyers, and the pos5's that farms 75% of the game.
Passed midnite – 02, the quality improve, altho still alot more toxic then during the mornings.
This realisation, makes me rather wish I worked nights lol. This is my take on EUW, all times is EUW timezone, is this something anyone else recognize?
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