Categories: DiscussionValheim

Metal teleportation keys idea

I have beem playing this game and loving every aspect of it. However, after beating the 3rd boss and preparing to face the 4th boss, I'm finding repetitively having to haul my metal back to base to be extremely time consuming to the point where it takes from the fun of playing the game. Especially for someone who has a full time job and family obligations and playing mostly solo.

Now I completely agree that physically having to go through the journey of bringing the first shipment of your new metal home is an experience that everyone should have. I do believe that having to do that every time we mine any metal can get cumbersome.

What do you guys think of having a key for each metal (copper key, tin key, etc…) that costs 50-60 of that metal to craft to force the player to have at least one physical trip back to base. Once you craft that key, you can have it in your inventory and it will allow you to bring that ore or metal through portals. The balance aspect is that it takes an inventory slot, sets you back 50-60 metal, but allows you to save a ton of time and frustration bringing that metal back home again. It will also be optional as players who do not craft the key can play the game as is and be 60 metal ahead. Also it wouldn't make sense carrying keys of every metal because that will clog the inventory. I wanted to hear your guys' opinion about it.

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