Most effective tactics for Thargoid War progress bars?

I’ve been helping with AX near Maelstrom Taranis since it arrived. My squadron’s discord server has a direct link from AXI’s announcements to our discord server, so we are helping with the coordinated effort. I also have the AXI Google sheets doc open on my computer to see what the “official” marching orders are from them.

So, we’re working on stopping “invasion” systems, holding critical “alert” systems, and starting next week (from what I’m reading) working to take back thargoid “controlled” systems. And we’ve been really successful.

My question here is, what is the dominant and/or most effective tactic to fill those progress bars for humanity? Between bringing emergency supplies, completing missions, killing goids, completing conflict zones (including the ones at stations), evacuating refugees, and participating in the CGs for better AX weapons, there are a lot of fun activities! But what moves that progress bar the most? Maybe we don’t know yet, and maybe it depends on the current state of the system, yet I’d like to know where my time is best spent.

Note: please assume no limitations on credits, FC ownership, or ship builds with pre-engineered guardian awesomeness (I have mostly all of it).



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