Moving is too punishing right now and that’s why no one does it.

Like the title says right now the gameplay is super boring in my opinion because no one is moving around trying to get too hot spots or objectives because there is no motivation to do so. why would you go loot dorms when you can get more money from looting stashes in secluded spots. why would you try and push someone when you get shot if you are not on painkillers you get hit in your legs you can't move, you get shot anywhere and your stamina bar deletes itself and you walk making shooting you very easy. the inertia feels like you playing on high ping and it's hard to stop where you want to. If you go watch a montage odds are a good % of their kills will be them just sitting on right-hand peak spam leaning because it's the only way to peak people without guaranteeing your death. The game is in a very campy meta right now which it always will be because of it being punishing but every game I play Nobody is moving I need to rely on them being shit vs me being good.

I'm sure some of you will disagree and say "it's supposed to be tactical" but it's super boring to be late into wipe and never fight people it's just hidden and seek.

it's also only getting harder to counter people who jump you because right now if you get shot you get hitpunched to fuck your screen goes hella blurry before you can shoot you pretty much always need to crouch because if you don't your water gun is uncontrollable. pretty much always securing the person who shoots first the winner.


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