My feedback on the reworked Weight System!

Hello fellow Rats, Chads, Mods, and Devs!

As reddit seems to be the platform where feedback is appreciated and accepted by either devs or discussed with other players. I thought I would share my thoughts on this recent aspect that has received a rework, which is the Weight System!

TLDR at the end of the post!

  • To start off, I think the reworked weight system is a definite plus side to the game! It adds new dynamics to the game which make the game more tactical and interesting.

  • I haven't been looting the same as I was before, each item is a consideration instead of spam clicking everything. It's good!

  • Having to think if you are going to be dropping your backpack before entering an area, adds a smart, subtle consciousness aspect to it.

  • Falling from edges while being to heavy will break your legs is quite realistic to me as well, don't mind that.
    The short build up to reach maximum running speed is in a gray area for me. On the one hand I think it's good game mechanic, but I have the feeling that it might need some slight tweaking, in either the drain percentage or build up speed.

  • After playing a while with my buddy on the new patch, we are quite amazed at the sound changes that the weight system adds. I admire the concept of being louder when you're heavy, and sneaking becomes more difficult. But when you are super fat, you can pretty much be heard walking across the map. The range feels a bit off, but what bothered me most, is that it might be more of a disadvantage towards the other players than towards yourself. Because sound of the steps appear to be so close to you, that you (as the other player), are expecting someone to come around a corner according to normal sound, but the situation being completely different because the other person is overweight (e.g.: I could hear my friend as if he was 4m away from me, while being on the other end of the Labs tunnel). I get the feeling that an additional distortion or echo of some sort should be added to the sound of the footsteps.

  • Finally it balances the gameplay styles more, which is a proper addition to me. Rats can't take their sweet time and run towards extract after looting up the dead bodies, and Chads can't dominate every corner of the map within a minute. Most stimulants become more usefull now (blue labs stim went up from ~20k towards ~50-60k). Overall I think it has been a great addition and people just needed to learn to adapt to it, and accept that they should think more about their actions. After all, it's a change that makes Tarkov even more of a Tactical FPS, which in my honest opinion, is awesome!

TLDR in order of the post; walking speed decreasement is good, backpack dropping is good, breaking legs from heights is juicy, movement speed build up is a nice addition (needs tweaks), Fat boy stepping loud is cool, but needs tweaking, balances Rats and Chads, Stimulants are usefull now!
Overall, great changes and makes the game even more tactical, which in my opinion, is amazing!

Feel free to discuss any point of my feedback at length! Keep it decent and civilised!

EDIT: Shortened tldr


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