Categories: DiscussionDota 2

My opinion as a player who left Dota 2 four years ago.

So I left Dota 2 because Techies and because all my friends had potatoes PC that couldnt run the game, thats why I left in the first place, since then I have been playing LoL (after 7 years of Dota 2), so here aré a few questions and things that I noticed on this years:

First of all, I think the big issue is the marketing: Valve have the money, so why dont make a group of music with heroes from the game? Something like K/DA or True Damage on LoL? Could introduce so many new players on the game and idk why they didnt do that. We have plenty of options (Windrunner, Pangolier, etc) that could bring their personalities to the songs and funny stuff.

They did the series, Dragon Blood: I liked the series but I also watched Arcane, the LoL series and I noticed that if u dont know anything from the lore of Dota 2 you cant enjoy the series as much, I liked that they introduced so many héroes on the series but with Arcane you can watch it as a casual and enjoy it anyways.

I would LOVE at least subtitles ingame in another languages for the heroes: Im from Argentina and english isnt my first language so at first I couldnt connect so much with the heroes, I know they have plenty of differents histories and personalities and could be a nice touch to know them better even if u dont speak english.

The game is awesome, I enjoyed all my years on Dota 2, the balance team IS A LOT better than LoL. Even playing LoL I noticed that Dota introduced shards, scepter for all héroes and balanced the talents so thats incredible good.

I want to get back but I want new players to know this game aswell, so im gonna play those games for the awards and im leaving my opinion here. Dont mean to offend anyone, this is only MY opinión and sorry for the grammar.


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