Categories: DiscussionFortnite

My struggles

Before anything I want to say I do love this game. I love the story, the concept, the characters. (My favorite is Lok) but as a veteran I do have to say coming back to this game feels good but I wish there was more.

Epic was doing soo good when the Canney Valley campaign was added. It was amazing. Having the new biome, the storm king, a pin you could get by defeating it, the campaign. It was perfect down to the last minute detail.

Then, they gave up. Some content was added. Which felt great. As the years went on. Let’s face it, it’s recycled content. While yes we do want some of these events back like Frostnite there is no twist or anything new. Character skins we love locked behind a paywall, just to incentivize BR players to earn 1K v-bucks and get StW. Sure some will like it. But what about your hardcore Fanbase. The high levels. The ones who reached Twine. There is nothing for us at the top. Oh a Ray skin would have been nice as a milestone reward but nope, you have to buy it. And don’t get me started on battle pass XP caps.

I do have to acknowledge that some great changes have happened. I just wish they kept the story going, and put at least half the effort they put on BR. But as we said back in the day. We are just the neglected child.

How awesome would it be if epic changed their mind. If one day they merged StW and BR into a lore. Because the BR lore is just the same ol thing. Bad guy, explosion, time travel, more explosions. They are too busy working on their 1000th collab, pumping out meaningless skins everyday along cringey TikTok sounds and songs into emotes.

I can only hope for something bigger.


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