Categories: DiscussionDota 2

New carry hero idea, might be too powerful.

It is a carry hero, I like the idea but I feel that his abilities are too overpowered. Good thing a hero like that doesn't exist in the game.

He is abit strong cuz he has 2 invulnerablities but so does other heroes like Jugg.

Hero name: Berseker

First spell – Blade dance:
The hero goes into a berserk state. Rotating around with his sword granting him spell immunity, Magic damage per second, and movement speed but cannot deal auto attack damage to heroes anymore. Shard up upgrade: He deals auto attack damage to 1 unit.

Second spell – Blood trinket.

The hero puts a moveable trinket on the ground granting 5% hp per second for all friendly units in an area.

Third spell – Slash

Hero has a chance to critical strike at 200% damage

Fourth spell – Frenzy strike

Hero goes in a frenzy dealing damage to random units for X seconds. Hero is completely invulnerable during the time.


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