New player….im feeling pretty lost…

So i started on the day of writing this and im rather lost…

I found a station to chill at (julian hub) had to travel a long way and thought id go and make a station my home, after research i read that Ray Gateway is very good. i saw that there are a few Ray Gateways so i went to the Diaundri one.

But it really doesnt seem that good…the one big system nearby has really long travel times and besides the prices and ships its really not that nice i think.

Then i dont really know what to do.

I got my sites on a ship and i want to have my own carrier and upgrade it with the modules and such(if that is even possible to build that as some kind of base) but besides that i dont know what to do.

got a mission that is accross the universe about some warp drive thingy.

please help a new player out…and if someone from the fuel rats is reading that.
I love you guys.


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