Categories: DiscussionValheim

no metal run

Hi fellow Vikings. I've started a no metal run, and am starting to feel like it may not be possible. The main issues I'm finding is food (can't build a cauldron) so the best I can find to date is cooked fish(scavenged post storm), honey and cooked deer. I can't max out armour as I can only build a lvl 3 crafting bench. So I'm currently wearing lvl2 troll. That also means I can't max out even the basic weapons. I have a plan to get root armour, but I'm not even sure I will be able to build any with a lvl 3 bench. U/RUN-PMT gave me some great advice for camp fires to reach mountain biome. Currently running a bone shield (lvl 1) with flint knife or spear.
I've found elder but not killed him yet, and have done an exploratory run in to the swamps. Has anyone done a run like this before? If so, do you have any tips? My next plan is to get abyssal razor, but I'm yet to find any behemoths.


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