Poll: You’re Lead Game dev at BSG, what’s your priority?

Link: https://take.quiz-maker.com/poll4664898xeAab42e7-146

Personally, I have many and I'm not sure what I would focus on first myself. I would like to hear what the priority for everyone else would be! Let's discuss.

Shoreline could use some love, but sound and lighting is at an abysmal state. The game is plagued with bugs, server issues, etc. But then also new content is always exciting…

What would your focus be for the next major patch?

Edit: Well, there is no anti-cheat option. Yes, I do believe we need to move from battleeye to something stronger. Hard to think of everything. But lul, the idea that BSG actually want to stop cheating. Generates more sales kappapride

Edit2: Well, we hit 185 votes. Currently over 75% of the community would prefer Sound or QOL/Optimizations over new content, map reworks, balance changes, everything else really. Interesting! Hopefully BSG focus on these things next! We will see! Will there be any surprise upsets in the votes?


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