Raid and the features I want to see from it in tarkov.

So I just watched the 2 episodes of raid. It’s live action tarkov basically and it’s cool as shit. If you haven’t seen it go watch it on the bsg YouTube account. In it there are some things I would like to see in the game.

  1. I would love to see weapon hits as a thing to promote bringing a secondary because currently pistols are either a budget run thing or you completely mod it and it’s better than a rifle.

  2. An RPG. The scene at the end of episode 1 one with the RPG made me want to send one into dorms or something.

  3. A drag mechanic like we see where you can keep your gun up. It would be really nice to drag dead things to cover to loot them. It wouldn’t really be too helpful for friendliest because if they’re on the ground they’re dead.

  4. More incentive for BEAR on USEC action and disincentive to friendly fire. I know there’s a karma system planned but I don’t think that’ll have too big of an impact and I’d love to see match making prioritize putting squads of BEARs against squads of USECs. Alternatively maybe make a map specifically BEAR vs USEC and add in game 2 way radio via contacts in said map for us solo players who would wanna do that.

What do y’all think?


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