I’ve been thinking about this for a while. It seems like Tarkov events that I play with my friends tend to be more scattershot than any other MMO I have played. I’m curious whether that is consistent with other MMO players are seeing with their playing habits and their friend’s playing habits. What would it be like if dedicated 5-man squads played this game a bit more like a traditional MMO?

For example: one of the densest loot maps that can most individuals (or even duos or trios) could get much more out of with a dedicated squad is Interchange. It wouldn’t be trivial to take a 5-man and totally crack Interchange open to loot literally everything, but it’s doable. You bring the squad through a few Killa spawns and loot hot spots on the way to Ultra Med. if the power is off then you send 2 down to turn on the power and hit some more Killa spawns. Then the indoor squad hits Kiba and the outdoor squad hits WS 21, then they all extract at SR 11 or another nearby extract. It seems like a good way to extract as much high value loot as possible safely.

I’m wondering if there are groups that have an established run and raid night. Does anyone have a Discord that does “Interchange Tuesdays”, or “Reserve Thursdays”?


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