I have spend the last couple of days spending a lot of credits building mission specific role ships.
The Filthy Lucre: General PVE [Vette]
Soulcutter: Data/raw material gathering [DBX]
Dragonslicer: PVE Assassination Targets [Chief]
Wayfinder: Exploration [Conda]
Stonecutter: Mining [Cutter]
Woundhealer: Manufactured Material Gathering [Conda] (Healies for Feelies build)
Coinspinner: Trade [Cutter]
Townsaver: AX [Chief]
Doomgiver: PVP [FDL]
Anyone got anything to point out that I might have forgotten to build for mission specific roles?
Sightblinder: Racing [Viper Mk3] Thank you u/TheOneTrueZippy8
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