Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Smurf or not

So I've been playing DotA 2 since the time when it had just announced Monkey King like a month or two ago. Never been playing online as i never had any decent ping on any of the regions, i chose to play Offline with Bots(Which is probably the best thing i ever did)
I started playing with Passive difficulty on bots. Keep in mind that it was Default bots and not any scripted bots from Workshop.
My unranked stats were literally empty for like 4 years. The reason being i didn't have a good Wi-Fi connection and even the server where i belong to, was always giving me at least 220ms min.
Then i stopped playing for quite a while because my PC died on me and i couldn't afford a new one. After i got it fixed i started playing Solo bot matches again for a year or so. That too on Unfair mode.
One day my Wi-Fi connection gave me 67ms ping so i tried playing Unranked for the first time.
Turned out it was quite an easy game and i was called Smurf for no reason.
Bruh. My first match with real players made me a smurfer? Is that even possible?
Now everytime i play Unranked, I'm either called Smurf or Noob because sometimes i face Good opponents and when that happens, it's always easy to get raged lol.
So the question is,
Is Unfair Bot matches considered Smurf too or what?


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