So … Any noob tips on how not to get blown up by NPC anacondas when doing cargo missions?

As title. I'm trying to grind Canopus-Exiphiay for fed ranking and I'm fine with most interdictions… But when I get interdicted by anacondas they just wreck my crap in seconds. I've a class 5 shield generator in my type 9 with shield boosters, yet it still goes down in about 3-5 seconds.

I've tried high waking out, but whenever I jump back in I get interdicted by a different anaconda, and the cycle repeats.

I'm on the verge of just dropping trading as an option for future gameplay after being interdicted 7 times in a fecking row by anacondas, each time high waking away and having another one interdict me on returning, the last one dropping my shields in seconds and knocking out the fsd 2 seconds later. The 20 million in fines wiped out all of my profit from the days game session and I'm fuming.

Any tips would be appreciated, especially ones where I can just cheese the damn game and make the anacondas disappear.


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