Some Maps Just Play Better

After playing this game for about two years i have discovered that some maps simply have way better game play than others. Honestly the only thing keeping most of these maps even in the game is the tasks for them. Example: Shoreline & Woods, you spawn in and could see and hear no one all game not even hear a shot. And then every other time you get into one of those two maps you get headshot from no where from a rat just sitting in a bush. All there is in those maps is bushes and trees. There is little to no depth in map design, add a bunch of trees, one big building GG send it. Then maps like Customs, Reserve, Labs all play more fast paced. I feel like i am actually playing a FPS and not some loot/exploring game. I also feel like Lighthouse is pretty boring, it is a valley with broken AI on it, with 2 loot houses. It is just so boring. I guess i am just complaining but i just wish this game had better maps, i love the game but the potential is wasted on shit map design,


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