Categories: DiscussionDota 2

Sproink (Enchantress’ scepter) is underrated

It's a short-ranged escape that can disjoint projectiles and quickly save your ass
And it's low cooldown and low mana cost makes it pretty good and spammable against abilities that shoot a disjointable projectile.
It also shoots 3 fucking impetus with extra range + pushes you backward, making those impetus spears deal maximum damage
You can clear a camp (assuming it has 3 or 2 creeps) with 50 mana. Who the hell needs enchant?
It also allows you to use it offensive against enemy heroes. Just attack them, and quickly sproink so you will move backward, and launch another impetus toward that hero to deal 2x damage basically.
It's only problem is, being silenced shuts it down. I mean silencing enchantress is a good way to prevent her from using impetus, nature's attendants and also sproink if you have the scepter.


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