Categories: DiscussionFortnite

State of Save the World

I've only played Save the World for a year and a half. It went from fun and interesting (love the details and loved the storylines) to making it to twine peaks. That was a bummer with no storyline left, but, I was still working on power level, storm shields, etc.

The implementation of animals was my first grievance, although it introduced a new hero. It's quickly became annoying. I had already been avoiding battle royale more because of the animals were annoying. Now, how many months later and it's not even worth it to tame an animal because they can't last against husks and are loud. Getting resources that are actually needed for progression are even more difficult to come by as most of the resources from searching anything but a chest are mushrooms and corn.

Second grievance: Now we have rescue the survivors which left time after rescues to try to find more than mushrooms, to other players speed running the rescuing without opening up the map, etc.

Third grievance: NO homebase status reports on the Fortnite News. It doesn't matter if they are copy past, because they aren't to new players.


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